About DiversiFind

The Platform for Diverse Suppliers to Grow.

As Supplier Diversity Experts and Former Government Officials,

the DiversiFind team has spent hundreds of hours solving supplier diversity problems and addressing economic challenges in their home state of Indiana. After realizing there was no single place for diverse suppliers and organizations looking for these suppliers to connect, DiversiFind was born.

DiversiFind seeks to increase economic opportunities for all; as the single platform for organizations to reach their DEI goals and for diverse suppliers to find new growth opportunities.

Our Team

Frequently Asked Questions

  • DiversiFind is an online application that will allow businesses and diverse suppliers - certified or not – to find each other, communicate within the app, and post partnering opportunities. Instead of using multiple spreadsheets and databases from certifying agencies, businesses can search for each other in a more sophisticated, targeted way, by having one central, easy to use repository of diverse suppliers. This is a critical success of this business community. It will also give businesses the opportunity to advertise their capabilities, identify their industry with NAICS, UNSPC or skills. It also allows businesses to upload documents, which makes it much easier for partners to interact with each other and to respond to bid opportunities together. Supporting small diverse businesses and helping them grow is part of our larger mission and we are proud to do this work.

  • Based on the subscription level selected, businesses, organizations and diverse suppliers can use it for various purposes, such as:

    Marketing. Suppliers can create a profile and upload your company logo. You can also advertise your company’s availability to work with other businesses on partnering for potential projects.

    Supplier Directory. DiversiFind will allow businesses to search by industry or function, NAICS, or UNSPC code in one central database. This is a great place to start when your are looking to partner with a vendor on an upcoming project.

    Connection. Utilize the in-app messaging to connect with businesses.

    Document Storage. Suppliers can upload documents such as samples of previous work, certification letters or certificates, W-9’s, resumes, projects, anything that helps support your business’s ability to connect and interact with potential partners.

    If you've found another great way to use DiversiFind, we’d love to hear about it! Email us at support@diversifind.com.

  • We are working hard, but we are just getting started. Every day new suppliers are creating a profile in the DiversiFind application. You can also make sure you are searching by general codes and skills to capture each supplier's self-designation.

  • Yes! We're always here to help! Please email us support@diversifind.com for any questions or issues regarding the application.

Ready to join the fastest-growing diverse supplier ecosystem?